Foundation for Design and Invention Nigeria
Foundation for Design and Invention Nigeria (FDIN), a non-profit organization established in Nigeria, plans to work with governmental organization, public and private stakeholders in the field of Engineering, Telecommunication, Medicine, Agriculture, Technology; within and outside the shores of Nigeria to improve the well being and of not only Inventors but of the common Nigerian and the African continent. FDIN also plans on being part of a well-recognized body like the IFIA to become its ambassadors for growth and development in Africa.

Mr. Kasia Effe Akpomeyoma
Foundation for Design and Invention Nigeria (FDIN) aims to:
- Organize inventors in Nigeria for purposes of raising awareness on IP Rights;
- Assist inventors in the research and development of their inventions;
- Assist inventors in the commercialization of their innovations;
- Promote the marketing and trade of members’ innovations through organized expositions;
- Organize seminars, workshops or symposiums for inventors as part of education and training;
- Promote invention activities in schools, colleges and universities through invention clubs;
- Promote the establishment of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs);
- Mobilize funding to promote the works of inventors and the Association;
- Engage in income generating projects to support the operations and growth of Association;
- Promote collaboration between international corporations and inventors for the growth of the African continent;
- Organizing workshops, seminars and symposiums to enlighten inventors on Intellectual property and trademarks;
- Preparing invention and design from idea stage up till commercialization;
- Working hand-in-hand with inventors to ensure ideas come to life;
- Partner with Universities and research Institutes of learning to encourage ingenuity amongst students;
- Partnering with government establishment and key stakeholders to ensure involvement & support for our course;
- Engaging local industries for purposes of promoting joint ventures between Association members and industry.