IFIA Registration

According to the letter received from the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Cantonal Tax Authorities Finance Department, the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations is exonerated of taxes on earnings and the capital from 2015 to an indeterminate length due to the public utility nature of its activities as clarified in the Statutes.
No. 080.335.043
Tax exemptions for ICC (canton and commune taxes)
Tax exemptions for direct federal taxes (IFD)
Geneva Cantonal Tax Authorities taxes exonerated letter in French
Geneva Cantonal Tax Authorities taxes exonerated letter in English
Geneva Cantonal Tax Authorities taxes exonerated letter Approved by Switzerland Government

Registration in the business directory of the canton of Geneva
Département de la sécurité, de l’emploi et de la santé
Office cantonal de l’inspection et des relations du travail
Répertoire des Entreprises du canton de Genève (REG)
Department of Safety, Employment, and Health
Cantonal Office for Inspection and Labor Relations
Directory of Companies in the Canton of Geneva (REG)
No. 1-3XRRN9

IFIA has been registered in Geneva as one of the key NGOs acting under
the Swiss law and added to the International Geneva actors.

IFIA was founded in London in 1968 and registered in Geneva Welcome Center (CAGI). This center was founded by the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Geneva, with the support of national and local entities, both public and private.

In order to protect the name and logo of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations throughout Switzerland where IFIA Headquarters is located, we managed to register the name and trademark of IFIA at the Institute of Intellectual Property of Switzerland under the registration number of 687082

In order to protect the name and logo of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations throughout Switzerland, where IFIA Headquarters is located, we managed to register the name and trademark of IFIA at the World Intellectual Property Organization under the registration number 687082

International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) is registered as an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association with the registration No. 15558 in the state of California pursuant to California Corporation Code Section 21300.
International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) is registered as a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation Public Benefit Organization in California, United States,

According to the letter received from the United States federal government, the Department of the treasury internal revenue service tax exemption, and government entities, the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations is exonerated of taxes on earnings and the capital from 2023 to an indeterminate length due to the public utility nature of its activities as clarified in the Statutes.
ID NUMBER: 31954