ARCHIMEDES: Moscow, Russia, 18 to 20 March 2025

About Salon Archimedes
The annual Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies “Archimedes” was established in 1998 and is the largest world forum that includes: exhibition of inventions, industrial samples, trade marks, utility models, conferences, training actions under the general name “University of the inventor”, venture fairs, contests, presentations of national projects and technologies presented from all industrially developed countries of the world. The president of Moscow international Salon of inventions and innovation technologies “Archimedes” is – Zezyulin Dmitry Ivanovich

More Info. About Archimedes
Moscow city organization VOIR and the International Innovation Club “Archimedes” invites you to take part in collective exhibitions of Russian inventors and innovators on innovative events abroad – salons, exhibitions, festivals and shows.
Participation in these activities will allow you to not only showcase the development in innovation and gain international recognition, but also to find investors and partners, to sign contracts and licensing agreements.
Each event is represented by its own unique because they are held in different, sometimes very far apart locations of the Eurasian continent. Events are attended by specialists, investors, stakeholders. Events are always accompanied by a business program.
Given that for each product and technology has its own strategic directions of development and expansion of markets, we offer you a wide choice of the most promising for you and your products (technology) in the region, as well as forms of participation (full-time / part-time).
We will welcome any kind of cooperation, and always ready for a constructive dialogue.
Archimedes 2025
We kindly invite you to take part in the XXVIII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”, which will be held in the historical center of Moscow on March 18-20, 2025 in the Exhibition hall of the Amber Plaza Business Center.
The Salon “Archimedes” is annually held with the support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT), the Association League of Assistance to Defence Enterprises, the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and the International Innovation club “Archimedes”.
In 2024, the participants of the Salon were representatives of 272 organizations from 28 states and 30 regions of the Russian Federation, who demonstrated to the general scientific and technical community about 570 innovative projects and inventions, 198 of them were provided by foreign authors and patent holders.
The Salon “Archimedes” is an ideal launch pad for new breakthrough inventions and technologies to enter the market. According to statistics, every 2nd exhibit presented at the Salon finds its investor and consumer, which undoubtedly demonstrates the effectiveness of the Salon.
Results of intellectual activities presented at the Salon “Archimedes” in person or in absentia will be selected and evaluated by the Expert Commission and the International Jury. The most prominent projects will be acknowledged with the Special Prizes and Awards from the Salon “Archimedes” and our partners.
The Grand Prix “Gold Archimedes” is the highest prize awarded to the most deserving inventors for a complex of inventions and innovative projects presented at the Salon.
Participate in the Salon “Archimedes”, become full members of the worldwide inventive community and provide new opportunities for realizing your creative potential.
Good luck, looking forward to seeing you at the XXVIII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes”!
General Information
- Date of the opening ceremony: 18 March 2025
- Date of closing/award ceremony: 20 March 2025
- Email:
- Address: 105187, Russia, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya str., 53 В
- Phones: +7 (495) 366-14-65 / +7 (495) 366-03-44
- Working hours: Mon– Fri 10:00 – 18:00
- Agriculture and forestry
- Light industry
- Education means, games, advertising business, musical instruments
- Food industry
- Biotechnology and genetic engineering
- Packing and storage
- Construction and building materials
- Mining
- Fertilizers and growth regulators
- Metallurgy
- General machine-building industry
- Aviation, aerospace industry
- Land, sea and air transport
- Informational, navigation and control systems
- Human safety, protection and rescue
- Radio, television and communications
- Technology of producing nanomaterials
- Technology of hydrogen and atomic power engineering, nuclear fuel cycle,
- Technology of new and renewable energy sources
- House-hold and office equipment, heating and lighting
- Medicine and medical equipment, hygiene, cosmetics, veterinary
- Chemical and oil and gas production industry
- Pollution control and environment protection
- Information and telecommunication technology
- Industrial design
- Creativity of youth
- Mass media
- Electricity and power electronics
- Innovation infrastructure
- Miscellaneous
Evaluation Criteria
- Novelty,
- Usefulness,
- Design,
- Low cost,
- Social and economic impact,
- Market opportunities etc.
- Gold medal of Salon “Archimedes”
- Silver medal of Salon “Archimedes”
- Bronze medal of Salon “Archimedes”
- Medals and diplomas of WIPO
- Diplomas of Federal service on intellectual property of Russian Federation
- Medals and diplomas of IFIA
- Grand-pix of Salon “Archimedes”
- Cups/special awards More information