ITEX: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 29 – 30 May 2025

International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition
About ITEX
The International Invention, Innovation, and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) is an annual exhibition that features the best innovations from Asia and beyond. ITEX is the region’s leading exhibition to showcase new inventions, technologies, and products, targeted at securing investment, manufacturing, and commercialization prospects and partners.
ITEX 2025 is set to return 29 – 30 May 2025 with one goal in sight: empowering entrepreneurs to transition from scientific discovery to commercial application. In line with the Malaysia Commercialization Year, as championed by the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, ITEX 2025 will continue to strive on this theme and aims to make great ideas commercially viable. The expectation of ITEX 2025 is that the marketplace would come to adopt the fruits of basic and extensive research work and further translate these discoveries into commercial impact.
- Attracts the right target group in the science and technology industry. Investors, venture capitalists, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, distributors and the corporate sectors make their way to ITEX specifically to explore new business ventures. ITEX is the best place to unveil a new invention or product.
- The industry’s keenest are here to discuss and debate research work. Fellow inventors and researchers will be delighted with the level of academic discussion enabled here.
- ITEX is where commercialisation of inventions/new products happens. Inventors can seek out potential investors here and convince them why funding their invention can benefit society.
- ITEX provides the best audience for prototype inventions or products. Get feedback from investors and fine-tune to achieve successful commercialisation.
Exhibit Profile
- Inventors and Researchers
- Scientist and Technologists
- Intellectual Property Support Services
- Corporate Sectors
- Small Medium Industries (SMIs)
- Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Visitor Profile
- Venture Capitalists
- Investors
- Manufacturers
- Industry Specifiers
- Inventors and Researchers
- Scientist and Technologists
- Industrial Designers
ITEX Exhibit Categories
- Agriculture
- Automation, Manufacturing
- Automotive, Aerospace, Aviation, Transportation
- Beauty, Fitness, Sports
- Biotechnology
- Building & Construction
- Child Care, Special Care
- Education
- Environment, Energy
- Equipment, Electronics, Machinery
- Household & Office Products
- Industrial Design
- Information and Communications Technology, Telecommunications, Audio Visual
- Materials
- Medical, Health
WYIE Exhibit Categories
- Agriculture
- Automation & Processes
- Biotechnology, Health
- Education
- Environment
- Games, Sports
- Household, Office, Personal Care
- Industrial Design
- Information and Communications Technology, Multimedia
- Materials