IFIA Connected With The World’s Largest Startups Accelerator Program
IFIA Connected With The World's Largest Startups Accelerator Program – Founder Institute
The International Federation of Inventors Associations – IFIA, following the path of connecting with the most relevant innovation ecosystems in the world without respecting borders, in line with the futuristic vision of its President Alireza Rastegar, has consolidated the relationship with the largest Startup Program in the world, the Founder Institute.
Created in Silicon Valley and being present in dozens of countries helping entrepreneurs to create successful Startups, IFIA, through its Director in Latin America, Marcelo Vivacqua, became part of the select group of Mentors whose mission is to contribute with their knowledge and experience with Startups in order to make them successful, realizing the life dream of their founders.
The invitation to join this innovative and disruptive Program came from the Mentor and Director of the Founder Institute in the city of Sao Paulo, Marco de Biasi.

The Founder Institute’s vision is to globalize Silicon Valley by creating and promoting ecosystems of local initiatives in promising markets around the world. It aims to help launch 6,000 technology companies a year in over 200 cities around the world.
The Founder Institute doesn’t only teach Entrepreneurs how to build a business, they actually build it.
Applying a structured methodology, the Entrepreneurs know what to work on, and when, with the Founder Institute business-building sprints and structured process.
This is a challenging process because less than 40% of Founders make it through the program because the Program of Acceleration challenges them every step of the way.
The Entrepreneurs who make part of the Founder Institute Acceleration Program get access to a lifetime of support programs and partners that far exceeds any comparable program and they also can build a company with impact by leveraging the world’s largest network of startup founders and mentors.
The connection with the Founder Institute signals to Inventors who are part of IFIA the importance of the connection between them and Startups, as IFIA Director Marcelo Vivacqua explains in this video announcing the partnership:
– inventors can benefit from their relationship with Startups to incorporate their agile management principles and, if there is adherence, transform their invention into a Startup, as he himself did with his inventions in the area of Biotechnology applied to Veterinary Medicine (non-surgical castration and treatment of cancer in domestic mammals)
– Startups can benefit from inventions by incorporating them into their businesses, creating a competitive differential, an entry barrier, which will increase the chances of obtaining investment and succeeding in the market.

Together with this important connection IFIA also supports the Program of Acceleration and Internationalization “Startups Brazil Connection – SBC” which has total syntony with the Founder Institute Program.
One of the great differentials of the SBC is the high quality and diversity of expertise of its Associated Consultants. Besides Marco de Biasi and Marcelo Vivacqua there are many others who add extreme value as Erica da Silva Pereira Frere, Ruberson Saraiva, Mariângela Luckmann, Antonella Satyro, Carlos Araujo, Paulo Cruz and our representative in India, Anand Kanan, between others.