Romanian Inventors Forum
About FIR
Romanian Inventors Forum (FIR) is a professional association which aims to support, stimulate the development of scientific, technical, creative, and cultural – artistic activities. FIR also helps with the copyright problems of its members, diversification of research and technological development, design, scientific investigation, micro-production and so forth.
Research and development institution was certified by the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), according to HG. 551/2007, Decision ANCS no. 9708/29.07.2009. IR was established in 2003 by a group of university professors, elite inventors and researchers from the University Center in Iasi.

Prof. Andrei Victor Sandu
- Conducting scientific research in various fields (medicine, chemistry, materials science, environmental protection, engineering etc.)
- Patenting inventions (literature search, invention description, drawings)
- Organizing events (invention exhibitions, workshop, courses)
- Publishing articles, books and scientific journals.
- Organizing training courses.
- Evaluations (expertise, compatibility studies, impact studies, etc.
- Promotion of inventions and products (at national and international exhibitions and fairs)
- Development of products for implementation.