Nuremberg, November 2012

IFIA Executive Committee meeting was organized in Nuremberg, Germany on 02 November 2012. The following agenda was proposed and approved:
- Opening of the session
- Preparation of the General Assembly 2012 agenda
- Proposal for the members of ExCo (2012-2014)
- IFIA Financial Report 2010-2011
- IFIA Activity 2013
- Closing of the session
1. Opening of the session
IFIA President, Mr. Vedres, called the Executive Committee members and officially opened the meeting.
Mr. Shin Kyoung-ho, Korea Rep.
Mr. Alireza Rastegar, Iran
Mr. Yang, Yifeng, China (represented by Mr. Teng Mianzhen)
Mr. Mohammad Alfawzan, Saudi Arabia
Mr. Janos Szöllösy, Hungary (voting instead of: Ana Hafner, Khaled Naswan, Lennart Nilson, Octavian Plesa)
The quorum is: 9 votess; It is OK.
Dr. Adam Rylski Director General
2. Preparation of the next IFIA General Assembly Agenda
It was proposed to organize the GA in Kunshan International Expo Centre, China on 9 November, 2012 connected to the 7th International Exhibition of Inventions (Kunshan), New Techniques and Products to be held during 9-12 November, 2012 and hosted by China Association of Inventions. The following agenda was proposed to be discussed:
- Opening of Conference “Invention Trendsetting – What must we invent and how we innovate?”
- Calling of the GA delegates
- Opening of GA by the President
- Approval of the Agenda
- Reports about the work of the IFIA members and the IFIA Office from the last GA (2010) – reported by delegates and IFIA President (time limit is maximum 4 minutes by organization)
- Financial report of IFIA by the President and approval
- Working to year 2014 proposed by the President
- Debate on IFIA working program
- Decision concerning the IFIA working program
- Resignation of present ExCo
- Election of ExCo
- Others
- Closing of the session by the President
This Proposal was unanimously accepted.
3. Proposal for the members of ExCo (2012-2014)
China – Mr. Yang, Yifeng
Czech Rep. – Mr. Pavel Dlohy
Hungary – Mr. Janos Szöllösy
Iran – Mr. Alireza Rastegar
Korea Rep. – Mr. Shin Kyoung-ho
Malaysia – Mr. Augustine S. H. Ong
Nigeria – Mr. Joel Shaka Momodu
Philipines – Mr. Virgilio Malang
Romania – Mr. Octavian Plesa dr.
Russia – Mr. Vladimir Petriasov
Saudi Arabia – Mr. Mohammad Alfawzan dr.
Slovenia – Ms. Ana Hafner
Sweden – Mr. Cenneth Lindkvist
Ukraina – Mr. Jurij Skomorovsky
Yemen – Mr. Khaled Naswan dr.
This Proposal was unanimously approved.
4. IFIA Financial Report 2010-2011
The Balance Sheet 2010 and 2011 were presented by the President and unanimously accepted by the EC.
5. IFIA Activity Report 2013
The following international invention exhibitions were included in IFIA working program:
- FINEX 2013 – Teheran, February 1-7
- First International Inventors Trade Fair – Prague, June 6-8
- IBTIKAR 2013 – Riyadh, December 4-7
6. Closing of the session
The President closed the ExCo meeting.