Korea Women Inventors Association
한국 여성 발 명 협 회
About KWIA
The Korea Women Inventors Association (KWIA), established in 1993, has conducted various projects to empower women in the economy and help them engaged in creative activities. Now, we are recognized as the most active economic organization for women in Korea and as a pioneer that leads women inventors around the world.
We would like to always speak, work, and act for women inventors. KWIA projects are customized to women’s demand and situations with the aim of encouraging them to create intellectual properties and supporting their invention activities. We will increase our financial independence and achieve transparent and sustainable financial status, which is necessary to provide constant and stable assistance for women in the intellectual property sector.
We will enhance the global network and information exchange among women entrepreneurs and globalize women’s patented products and their industrial property rights. We would like to be the gateway for women to make inventions, become active in the economy based on their intellectual property rights, and grow into outstanding entrepreneurs. To this end, we are committed to developing ourselves to provide more and better support for women and ultimately contribute to making Korea become the world’s best intellectual property powerhouse. We appreciate the support and participation of women dreaming of success and bright future.
- To help women recognize the importance of creativity in daily lives through information exchange
- To support women’s invention activities and create an invention-friendly environment
- To contribute to the economic development and enhance the public interest by enabling women to achieve their full potential

The yellow big circle represents a light bulb and the earth, and embodies the passion and hope of women inventors. A light bulb is the symbol of invention, ideas and creativity, and the small pink circle implies light, development and prosperity. The black character stands for KWIA, the acronym of Korea Women Inventors Association. It intends to seem like a woman inventor with her arms wide open to brave the world with beautiful dreams, courage and hope.
- 1993 Held founding conference of “Association of Korea Women Inventors”
- 1996 Changed the name to “Korea Women Inventors Association”
- 1999 Received approval from Korean Intellectual Property Office on Korea Women Inventors Association
- 2001 Hosted “Women’s Intellectual Property Event” Hosted the first Women Invention Fair
- 2002 Published invention magazine “The Invention News”
- 2003 Hosted “The First Women’s Invention Competition”
- 2006 Opened and ran “Women’s Invention Class”
- 2007 Operated Women’s Invention Instructors Curriculum Held the first Women Invention Instructor License Exam
- 2008 Hosted 1th Korea International Women Inventions and Exposition(KIWIE)
- 2014 Hosted “IP Wave for Creative Women Leaders”
Annual Project
- Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition(KIWIE)
- Support for Women in Making Invention-Prototypes
- Consulting and Education on Patent Attorney Services
- Women’s Invention Competition
- Publication of “the Inventors News” and invention magazine
- Briefing Tour to Promote Intellectual Property Rights
- Invention and Creativity Class for Women
- Korea International Women’s Invention Forum
- IP Wave for Creative Women Leaders (Workshop)