About Association
A.N.D.I., the National Inventory Association, is the only trade union body for the protection and enhancement of applied and technological research of our country, which is recognized as a Non-Profit Moral Entity with D.P.R. of August 27, 1947, no. 1569 (Official Gazette No. 15 of January 20, 1948) and following.
The ANDI, National Association Of Inventors is organized with a board of directors and a general assembly of all members. Under the terms of the By-Laws all members of the board of directors provide their advice to members free of charge.
The Association has recently renewed and restructured its organization, enhancing it with new sections on innovations in the field of industrial design and sociological research in addition to traditional sections, patent and legal commercialism.

Mr. Vincenzo Falcucci
- Trade union activities in favor of Italian inventors, such as individuals, and small and medium-sized innovative companies, such as legal entities, and researchers in science and technology in general: such activities are performed through the development of new laws and disputes with the state bodies in charge in the field of industrial law and applied research;
- Associative activity that takes place with the direct and continuous connection with the associates in Italy, for scientific advice, with judgments functionality inventions presented, technological and ecological, with advice on operational projects and industrial executive, legal, for the protection of patent rights, commercialization, for structuring and control of contracts of sale and/or licensing the patent against payment of royalties, patent generally;
- Promotional and cultural activities which is achieved through the spread of the periodical “Ingegni and Devices”, taken from an idea of Gabriele D’Annunzio in 1928 and inherited by ‘ANDI since its founding in 1947; which has a circulation of about 20,000 copies are distributed in all universities, public research institutions and encourage companies and private holders of patents registered in Italy and abroad;
- Divulgation of cultural commitments of the members and the promotion of small businesses established by young entrepreneurs, creative and innovative in many different fields of production, through the organization of the exhibition “INVENTECO”, Exhibition of Ecological innovations whose first manifestatio was successfully held in 1991 at the Great Church of the monumental complex of San Michele a Ripa in Rome.
To date, the ANDI has about five thousand members, but the hope is that all those who are inventors, even unknowingly, may refer to the association as a union that represents them.