International Specialized Exhibition
Organized by The State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)
The International Specialized Exhibition “INFOINVENT” is an intellectual property forum that supports and promotes creativity, attracting investment in innovation and technology transfer, realizing joint projects on the implementation of new inventions, technologies and materials in the national economy, as well as developing international technical – scientific cooperation.
The event is organized every two years by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and the IEC “MOLDEXPO”, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and the National Agency for Research and Development, supported by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO).
ISE “INFOINVENT” is an ideal platform for stimulating direct dialogue between inventors, researchers and business representatives. Local and international experts and practitioners, including representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the European Patent Office and foreign intellectual property offices, will speak at seminars, round tables and workshops on the role of innovation and intellectual property in developing a successful business.
- Promoting the best achievements/developments in various scientific and technical fields on the national and international market;
- Assisting local innovators and rightholders of industrial property objects in promoting their innovative achievements;
- Familiarizing the general public with the latest technical, scientific and cultural achievements of the Republic of Moldova and from abroad;
- Promoting the creations of youth in the country;
- Contributing to the development of the market of new industrial property objects, innovative products and services;
- Promoting the innovative enterprises in the small and medium business sector;
- Facilitating the process of attracting investment in innovation and technology transfer activity;
- Organizing a platform for exchange of experience and best practices of development, protection, exploitation and implementation of scientific and innovation achievements through forums, conferences, seminars and workshops;
- Strengthening the international cooperation in the field of science and innovation.
- Compartment I: Inventions, plant varieties and industrial design
- Compartment II: Compartment I: Research and innovation projects
- Compartment III: Creation of youth
- Compartment IV: Innovative products and services
- Compartment V: Creative industries