IFIA Events 2012
IFIA Events in 2012 | ||
The main missions of the IFIA are the represent of the inventors world wide and to promote the commercialization of inventions which is the essential step of the innovation. The best way of the commercialization of new solutions is the presentation of inventions on international business forums. These forums are the international invention/innovation exhibitions. There are many events in the world wide. Because of the costs of the presentation are high the cost efficiency is an important criteria for the independent inventors, the universities and the SMEs. The IFIA ambition is to reduce the invention presentation costs. Therefore we introduced the “IFIA Official Events”. This gives the basis of our working program.
What are the IFIA Events? The IFIA events are invention/innovation fairs/exhibitions/conferences/seminars which are suited the IFIA requirements. Here are information about the criteria of the international invention/innovation fairs/exhibitions/conferences/seminars: The IFIA ExCo introduces 3 categories of invention/innovation fairs/exhibitions:
The second semester (July-December) SEPTEMBER
The first semester (February – June) APRIL
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