IFIA, AFANYA and Turkish Patent Institute Meeting

On July 8, 2015, a meeting was held between IFIA team, AFANYA and Turkish Patent Office, in Istanbul with the assembly of the following people:
- Alireza Rastegar- IFIA President
- Bijan Nasiri Azam-President Executive Office Manager
- Masoud Shafaghi-Strategic Planning and Coordination Manager
- Koray Sahin- AFANYA Event Management – Projects Coordinator & Co-Founder
- Hakan Bayram- Turkish Patent Institute – Expert
The main objective of the meeting was to determine how to organize the annual invention exhibition in Istanbul. Initially, AFANYA representative gave a detailed description of their activities and clarified the quantitative potentialities of Istanbul for hosting the event. Moreover, Turkish patent office pointed out the importance of Istanbul city regarding the statistics of patented inventions in Turkey. In addition, the number of inventions which have been granted PCT and the inventions which have been patented in Turkey by a foreign applicant were elucidated.
Following the discussion over a necessity of holding educational workshops in Istanbul with the close collaboration of WIPO, IFIA’s past activities and present potentialities as well as its international interactions were demonstrated.
Lastly, the participants came to a final agreement that a formal request for holding invention exhibition should be forwarded to IFIA Executive Committee in order to be reviewed in the next meeting. To strengthen the future collaborations, AFANYA membership certificate was awarded to its representative by Mr. President.
During their stay in Istanbul, IFIA board visited the suggested venue for exhibition and the available facilities gained their approval.
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