IFIA and KEPCO Bilateral Cooperation

Alongside Bitgaram International Exposition of Electric Power Technology (BIXPO) held in Korea in October 2015, IFIA and KEPCO signed a memorandum of understanding to meet their mutual expectations. KEPCO and its subsidiaries have the intention to become a world Electric and Power invention leader.
To this end, one of the main objectives of this cooperation is to participate in international invention and innovation events including forums, seminars, congresses and invention exhibitions to benefit from the wide network of contacts from the inventors, businessmen, stockholders and inventors all around the world. Moreover, IFIA is expected to support KEPCO to apply for the international patent or commercialize the innovative idea via providing expert advice on the patent and the commercialization of the invention as well as offering the service of Transfer Technology Center.
In order to further strengthen the bilateral collaboration, both parties should disseminate news and events via IFIA or KEPCO’s official website and publication. Both KEPCO and IFIA are interested in disseminating the culture of innovation internationally and providing the inventors with information, which enriches their innovative ideas and commercializes their inventions. The ultimate goal of both parties is to promote and develop cooperation in all aspects of invention activities.
You can find the pictures related to this event in the picture gallery, BIXPO 2015.