IFIA FPME Activities in 2022
IFIA FPME Activities in 2022
Under the auspices of the IFIA FPME Director (Middle East Focal Point) Mr. Radwan Chouaib, the Third International Scouts Scientific Posters Conference for Iraqi Talents (SIT 2022) was held in the presence of the president Iraqi Association of inventors & Innovators, Mrs. Tariza Gassem Ridha. Chouaib opened the conference with a presentation on innovation and the role of IFIA FPME in supporting and facilitating the commercialization of projects to be market ready. He encouraged the conference organizer, Iraqi Professor Tariq Talib Issa Al-Omran to continue with his support of innovative students. He also thanked the students for their efforts and perseverance. It is worth mentioning that the conference ran between July 3 and 5, 2022 in Istanbul, and was accompanied by an exhibition of scientific projects, in which many Iraqi school students presented their inventions in the form of posters. At the end of the conference, medals and certificates were delivered to the participants in the exhibition.

In addition Mr Chouaib participated as a founding member in the Arab Council for Innovation and he participated in a panel were he talked about IFIA FPME activities in Lebanon and the Middle East.
Furthermore, NASR will coordinate the management and operation of Knowledge Stations provided by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International, in coordination with the Syndicate of Education Technology in Lebanon. Those stations aim to develop the digital and technical knowledge skills of the students and professors of the Lebanese University, and they also aim in an advanced way to eradicate digital illiteracy among the neediest youth. The board of NASR Lebanon and IFIA FPME held a meeting with Talal Abu Ghazaleh as the leading organizaion of intellectuel property worldwide, and the two parties discussed the further cooperation opportunities between IFIA & TAG.