A member of the Executive Committee of IFIA was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Ukraine
Dr. Yevhen Kudriavets honored to become the Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Accordingly, on behalf of the President of Ifia and all members of Ifia, we at IFIA know that Dr. Yevhen Kudriavets deserves this position and IFIA congratulates him.
Dr. Yevhen Kudriavets, one of the Members of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations and the Deputy Director for Strategic Project Management and International Affairs of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the auspices of UNESCO, was honored to become the Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Accordingly, on behalf of the President of Ifia and all members of Ifia, we at IFIA know that Dr. Yevhen Kudriavets deserves this position. We are sure that in this position, he will lead to the growth of innovation and science in the country of Ukraine, just as JASU has developed a culture of innovation and creativity which is one of the goals of IFIA. So we are at IFIA congratulating him.
He will lead to the growth of innovation and science in the country of Ukraine, just as JASU has developed a culture of innovation and creativity which is one of the goals of IFIA.
Since 2020, Dr. Yevhen Kudriavet has been the Deputy Director for Strategic Project Management and International Affairs of JASU or The Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This organization, which is one of the most active organizations in the invention field in Ukraine, is an educational system that aims at providing the organization and coordination of students’ research activities, creating conditions for their intellectual and creative development, spiritual advance, and vocational self-determination to support the potential scientific growth of the country.

As the main promoter of science education in Ukraine, JASU organizes, maintains, and develops plenty of various extracurricular activities both for school students and educators. For instance, Ukrainian Scientific Project Competition for School Students annually unites more than 100,000 school students engaged in scientific and research activity; the Innovative Expo “Future of Ukraine” presents around 100 unique and innovative developments to identify the best young innovators within seven modern majors; MANLab is the largest cross-disciplinary laboratory for schools students in Ukraine; Laboratory of Experimental Research Ex Lab is the permanent science-oriented laboratory in chemistry, biology, IT and robotics; Summer Schools in various majors; UF Inсubator is a modern platform to transform innovative activities of young entrepreneurs into mature business models; Children’s Academy “Futurum” provides for an initial phase of science education among children of 6-13 y.o.; National Final of the Destination Imagination Program is a licensed program of Olympiad in Creativity Destination Imagination; Activities for Educators.
Moreover, the President of IFIA, Mr. Alireza Rastegar, has considered a new position for him in the IFIA general assembly meeting, which will be announced soon.