20 members of IFIA are on MIT’s Solve reviewers at Global Challenges 2020

Proudly, IFIA declared and encouraged its members alongside inventors and innovators all around the world to engage with the aims of an organization named “SOLVE,” an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Throughout all these years, IFIA has shown that the federation has always strived to be active and effective in the projects and groups related to innovation at the highest international levels, and has recently joined more than 120 of the most successful organizations in the world to manage innovative international solutions to address fundamental human and global problems.
The reviewers’ task is selecting the finalists from inventors, innovators, and researchers submitting from all around the world to win a $ 25 million prize in five sections of MIT’s Solve Innovation challenge.
The reviewers have to choose the selected innovations by considering the following questions and viewing if they are providing a suitable solution or not:
How can marginalized populations access and create good jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves?
How can communities around the world prepare for, detect, and respond to emerging pandemics and health security threats?
How can marginalized girls and young women access quality learning opportunities to succeed?
How can every woman, new mother, and newborn access the care they need to survive and thrive?
How can we produce and consume low-carbon, resilient, and nutritious food?
Out of all reviewers selected by MIT’s Solve, 20 reviewers from The International Federation of Inventors’ Association will be in the reviewer panel of the 2020 MIT’s SOLVE. of IFIA’s 179 members, these reviewers were selected based on their experience in the field of invention and innovation, and all of them entered this field with their academic knowledge after thoroughgoing educational study.
After all, IFIA is optimistic about this event initiated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and hopes that with the help of the inventors and innovator, the aims of this project would be fulfilled.