IFIA 43rd Executive Committee Meeting Held on 10 Dec 2022 with the following agendas:
The meeting was held online to approve five members from United Arab Emirates, USA, India, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia
1- Opening of the session.
2- Report of IFIA’s activities and financial reports. It will be presented at the IFIA General Assembly
3- Final review of IFIA President election for 2022-2026. It will be presented at the IFIA General Assembly
4- Final review of IFIA Exco election for 2022 to 2024. the list will be sent to members on March 2023
5- Preparation for the General Assembly meeting.
The IFIA General Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, in April 2023. More information will be sent to the members by March 2023.
6- IFIA members propose. It will be presented at the IFIA General Assembly
7- Review four new membership requests submitted to the IFIA Secretariat. Find below
8- Review a new department, provided by the President of IFIA
9- Closing of the session.
1- Candidate for the presidency of the IFIA
1- Alireza Rastegar [(The current IFIA president)] (https://ifia.com/ifia-president/alireza-rastegar/)
No other candidate has been submitted for the presidency of the IFIA.
2- Review the below six membership submitted to IFIA Secretariat by the following reference.
1- R&D, Innovation Expert of Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirate. (corresponding member)
2- The Innovation Center of Saudi Academic: Saudi Arabia (corresponding member)
3- Innovation World Alliance: United State (corresponding member)
4- Yenilik Foundation from India (corresponding member)
5- Tunisian Association for Scientific Research, Innovation and Intellectual Property: Tunisia (Full Member)
1-Korea Electric Power Corporation – KEPCO, South Korea
2-Taiwan External Trade Development Council – TIATRA, Chines Taipei
3-Hong Kong Trade Development Council – HKTDC, Hong Kong
4-Initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT SOLVE, United States
4- Establishment of the new IFIA Department and new office
Connecting Inventors to Startups Ecosystem to create successful, innovative, and profitable Business!
The IFIA’s Startups Department is an IFIA initiative that aims to help Inventors to have the possibility to both, create a Startup from his/her invention or connect with one to create synergy and improve the chances to sell, license, or be a CEO or partner of a Startup and, in this way, make the journey to take his/her invention to the market easier, to be successful and make profits.
No doubt this initiative will be one of the most innovative and disruptive in the IFIA’s history.
The Voting Members:
- Mrs. Elinora Inga Sigurdardottir / Iceland (Postive vote)
- Dr. Marcelo Vivacqua / Brazil (Postive vote)
- Dr. Andrei Victor Sandu / Romania (Positive vote)
- Mr. Majid Elbouazzaoui / Morocco (Positive vote)
- Mr.Hossein Vaezi Ashtiani / Iran (Postive vote)
- Mr. Lukas Zmeskal / Czech (Postive vote)
- Mr. Winfried Sturm / Germany (Positive vote)
- Ms. Megaria Augstina / Indonesia (Positive vote)
- Mrs. Agnieszka Mikołajska / Poland (Postive vote)
- Dr. Zengpei Xuan / China (Positive vote)
- Mr. Koray Sahin/ Turkey (Positive vote)
- Mr. Zaran Barisic/ Croatia (Positive vote)
- Mr.Shin Kyoung-hi / South Korea (Positive vote)
- Prof. Dr.Unchalee Sanguanpong / Thailand (Positive vote)
- Dr.Adnan Al Naimi / Qatar (Positive vote)
- Mrs. Traiza Jasim Ridha / Iraq (Positive vote)
- Dr. Yevhen Kudriavets / Ukraine (Positive vote)
- Mr. Kenneth Hawksworth / South Africa (Positive vote)
Committee Members Without a Vote:
- Prof. N. M. S. Sirimuthu / Sri Lanka
- Mr. Fernando Lopes / Portugal
- Dr. Mahmoud Hafez / Egypt
- Dr. Aynampudi Subbarao / India
- Mr. Radwan Chouaib/ Lebanon
- Mr. John J. Calvert / USA
- Mr. Dmitry Zezylin / Russia
The Final Result of the Meeting
1- Candidate for the presidency of the IFIA
ALIREZA RASTEGAR’s candidacy was approved by the IFIA Exco members for the GA election 2023
2- Committee Members for 2022-2024
35 candidacies approved by the IFIA Exco members for the GA election 2022 and the final approval by the secretariat will be done in March 2023 and the list of candidates will be sent to the members
3- New IFIA memberships
1- R&D, Innovation Expert of Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates.
2- The Innovation Center of Saudi Academic: Saudi Arabia
3- Innovation World Alliance: United State
4- Yenilik Foundation, India
5- Tunisian Association for Scientific Research, Innovation, and Intellectual Property: Tunisia
4- Establishment of the IFIA’s Startups Department
The members of the executive committee approved setting up the startups department
5- Place of the General Assembly meeting 2022
IFIA Exco selected Switzerland, and Geneva for the IFIA GA meeting place in April 2023