Geneva, April 2008

IFIA Executive Committee meeting 2008 was organized in Geneva, Switzerland on 03 April . The following agenda was proposed and approved:
- Opening of the session
- Report of IFIA president
- Report of IFIA finance
- Preparation of IFIA GA in Suzhou (Report of Suzhou delegation)
- Working program 2008
- Others
- Closing of the session
1. Opening of the session
The following Executive Committee members were present and the meeting was officially opened by IFIA President, Mr. Vedres:
- Husein Hujic,
- Fan Mingyi,
- Gérard A. de Villeroche,
- Joachim Bader,
- Myocho Kan (the representative of Agustine Ong, MINDS)
- Wouter Pijzel,
- dr. Mohamed Al-Fawzan and A
- András Vedres
2. Report of IFIA president
Gérard A. de Villeroche expressed thanks to the President for his works. This report was adopted.
3. Report of IFIA finance
Wouter Pijzel expressed that the content (incomes and expenses) is OK, the form of this report is different from the usual IFIA form. He took to send this usual form to the President to prepare the IFIA finance report on that form. The new approval will be on the General Assembly 2008. Pijzel’s proposal was adopted.
4. Preparation of IFIA GA in Suzhou (Report of Suzhou delegation)
Fan Mingyi outlined IFIA main Jubilee program in China. Following some of it is provided:
- 6th International Exhibition Inventions new Techniques and Products 16-19 October (Suzhou)
- IFIA Jubilee Celebration 17 October (Suzhou)
- IFIA Conference 18 October (Suzhou)
- IFIA General Assembly 18 October (Suzhou)
- Youth Innovation Base, Opening Ceremony 20 October (Sanghay)
- Support for IFIA members from the organizers:
- Full equipped booths, total 1000 square meters
- 2 double rooms for IFIA delegation
- Reduced hotel accommodation, 40 USD per room
- 500 USD fly ticket compensation for IFIA delegation from least developed countries (according to the UN list dated 2008; 49 countries).
The IFIA ExCo adopted this project
5. Working program 2008
The President proposed the IFIA Work in the Jubilee Year 2008
- Ladies event – Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition (8-10 May, Seoul) Ladies’ inventions only! Free booth, USD1000 fly ticket compensation, free double room/delegation
- USA – Invention Exposure (13-14 June, Redwood Falls MN, US) Free booth
- Cheminvent Conference and IWIS 08 International Invention Exhibition – Chemical inventions (4-5 July, Warsaw) Free participation on conference and free booth
- Central Europe – Intern. Fair of Inventions New Ideas, Products and New Technologies (16-21 September, Zagreb) Free collective booth
- New Time International Invention Exhibition, (23-27 September, Sebastopol, Ukraine) Free booth
- I’NOV Festival (10-13 October, Mérignac, France) Free booth
- Inventor Festival – Main Jubilee event and General Assembly – International Exhibitions Inventions New Techniques and Products (16-20 October, Suzhou) Free booth, 2 free double room/delegation, fly ticket compensation USD500 for least developed country/delegation
- West Europe – 60th IENA and IFIA 40th Jubilee (30 October – 2 November, Nuremberg) Reduction of booth rental fee, free conference participation
- Asia – Seoul International Invention Fair (11-15 December, Seoul) Free booth
Wouter Pijzel expressed 9 events are too many, he proposed to reduced 2 events. Husin Hujic said that the great serious of international invention events are the best tool of commercialization of invention. The opinion of others were same. The IFIA ExCo adopted this project, 9 official IFIA Jubilee events.
6. Others
The IFIA president informed the ExCo about the preparation of International Order of Merit. The first awarding will be held on Inventor Festival (Suzhou). He proposed the “Commander degree” to Farag Moussa.
7. Closing of the session
The President, András Vedres, closed the ExCo meeting.