Budapest, January 2009

IFIA Executive Committee meeting 2009 was organized in Budapest on 02 January . The following agenda was proposed and approved:
- Opening of the session
- IFIA and the world economic crisis
- Connection with European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- IFIA official events
- Organisation of the IFIA Technology Transfer Centre (TTC)
- Road show in US
- 1000 database
- IFIA Asia Network
- Other subjects
- Closing of the session
1. Opening of the session
The following Executive Committee members were present and the meeting was officially opened by IFIA President, Mr. Vedres:
- Mr. Adam Rylski, Poland
- Mr. Alireza Rastegar, Iran
- Mr. Augustine S. H. Ong, Malaysia
- Mr. Gerard de Villeroche, France
- Mr. Hussein Hujic, BIH
- Mr. Lennart Nilson, Sweden, EIN
- Mr. Mohammed Al-Fawzan, Saudi Arabia
- Mr. Octavian Plesa, Romania
- Mr. Pavao Havlicek, Croatia, EIN
- Mr. Wouter Pijzel, Holland
Participants (IFIA members)
- Mr. Xiang Min (with his translator), China
- Mr. János Szöllosy, Hungary
- Mr. Bela Boros, Hungary
- Mr. Zoltan Bonta, Hungary
2. IFIA and the world economic crisis
A discussion on how IFIA can contribute to a fast solution of the economic crises gave as result that inventors absolutely have to go on inventing. At the other hand people have to keep buying things. IFIA isn’t in crises at the moment. All together there is about 70.000 USD on the 3 bank accounts the president reports.
3. Connection with European Year of Creativity & Innovation
The president introduces the plans of the EU Commission on the EU Year of C&I 2009. The vision of the ExCo is that it is better to join them than to ignore. In framework a press release can be sent out as follows:
The International Federation of Inventors’ Associations, IFIA, has decided during the meeting of the Executive Committee on January 10th in Budapest, to fully support the activities of the European Union in the framework of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation.
Although the role of independent inventors in the foreseen plans of the EU is underestimated, IFIA supports the idea that, especially during these days of economical crises the awareness of innovation must be brought out widely. IFIA, with over 85 member countries, will do everything that is possible within her reach to support the EU a.o. during her numerous world-wide activities. Because innovation is co-operation IFIA works towards global support. Countries world-wide, like for example China, have to be incorporated in the several activities.
4. IFIA official events
The IFIA ExCo introduces 3 categories of invention/innovation fairs/exhibitions:
Category 1 – IFIA official fair, conditions: free booth for IFIA members and other advantages, fully supported and promoted by IFIA.
Category 2 –Proposed fair, with IFIA recommendation, conditions: perfect services and no free booth for IFIA members.
Category 3 – Other fair without IFIA recommendation.
Category 1
- 2nd International Inventors’ Day Convention (exhibition and conference) – February 2-5, Bangkok
The Bangkok problem looks to be solved. It is stable over there and the ExCo decides that the Thai Inventors Day in 2009 (2nd of February) was authorized as 2nd International Inventors’ Day. Because we received new conditions: 150-sqm booth, free of charge, free hotel for leaders of the IFIA exhibitors. IFIA Office will organize a collective presentation of IFIA members and to show cartoon and stamp exhibitions with support of the NRCT.
- Korean International Women Inventor Exhibition – May 1-5, Seoul
Free booth for IFIA members and free hotel for IFIA leaders. The president doesn’t believe in fairs “for ladies only”, the number of women inventions is very limited, to organize women show in every year is hazardous. After a discussion the ExCo concludes.
- ITEX – May 15-17, Kuala Lumpur
Free booth (3 x 3m) for IFIA members. This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation outside Europe.
- IWIS 2009 – June 2-4, Warsaw
Free collective booth for IFIA, Conference Student C&I, This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- Al-Basel International Invention Fair – July 15-20, Damascus
Free booth for IFIA members and free hotel for IFIA leaders.
- World Championship of Inventors – September 4- 6, Sangeorgiu -Romania
Free booth for participants and reduced cost of hotel room. This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- GENIUS – EUROPE International Fair of Inventions – September 9-13, Budapest
Free booth for IFIA members and free hotel for IFIA leaders. This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- ARCA International Fair of Inventions – September 16-20, Zagreb
Free booth for IFIA members. This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- IENA – November 5-8, Nuremberg
Free IFIA collective booth for 20 items. This is IFIA authorized event of the European Year of Creativity & Innovation
- Seoul International Invention Fair – December 3-9, Seoul
Free booth for IFIA members and free hotel for IFIA leaders.
Category 2
- International Exhibition Inventions New Techniques and Products – April 1-5, Geneva
- International Salon of Innovations and Investments – August 26-29, Moscow
5. IFIA Technology Transfer Center (IFIA TTC) – Part of the IFIA Working Program
Purpose is to transfer knowledge (for protected innovated invention) that is ready to market from inventors to other countries. If the first contact is there the inventor has to take over. The ExCo agrees the establishment of the IFIA TTC. The General Coordinator of this project is Mr. Fan Minghi (China).
6. Road show US – Part of the IFIA Working Program
This is IFIA information campaign to increase our activity in US. ExCo supports this idea. 12 ExCo members will start from New York City by cars to visit USPTO, UIA, Inventor Hal of Fame and etc. probably in October 2009.
There are some problems with the site. The proposal is to close down the site. ExCo agrees.
Related to this subject there are some remarks concerning the IFIA site. It needs a redesign. Mr. Wouter Pyzel will start up this procedure and come with proposals. The ExCo agrees.
8. IFIA Asia Network and CII competition
James Su (Taiwan, Province of China) proposed to establish this network directed by his organization. To start the Asia Network is a good idea. ExCo agrees this Network must be directed by an ExCo member as like Europe and Africa one. Mr. James Su other proposal was to organize 2nd CII competition in 2010 or 2011 in Taiwan, Province of China will be discussed later.
9. Other subjects
- Next ExCo meeting: after a serious discussion the ExCo choice is Damascus connected Al-Basel Fair (July 15-20);
- The president suggests that during the Genius event in Budapest from September 9-13 also the CIC will be an important issue. Countries that are interested can send a participant for the special course;
- Iran proposes among a couple of other subjects the important proposal to host in February 2010 an ExCo meeting in Tehran. It seems OK, but the final decision will be taken at the ExCo meeting in Damascus.
7. Closing of the session
The President closed the ExCo meeting.