WIPO Standards Workshop on Blockchain
WIPO standards workshop on blockchain organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization was held on the headquarters of WIPO, Geneva on April 29 to 30, 2019.
Mr. Shashank Rai , Senior Strategic Technology Specialist, United Nations International Computing Centre, Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, Director of the Blockchain Certificate of Advanced Studies, University of Geneva, Ms. Emmanuelle Ganne , Senior Analyst, Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization, Mr. Kevin Fournier, Counsel, Intellectual Property Law, IBM, and Mr. Nelson Yang , Acting Director, International Patent Business Solutions, International Work Sharing Planning and Implementation, USPTO Were delivering their speech during two days.
According to yearly participation of IFIA members in a different workshop, IFIA representative Mr.Masoud Tajbakhsh the Academic sector coordinator along Mr.Masoud Shafaghi the strategic planning and coordination manager who participated in this workshop.
These topics were discussed during two days’ workshop:
Workshop on blockchain
1-Blockchain technology – opportunities and challenges
2-Blockchain technologies at our fingertips
3-Blockchain and public services
4-Blockchain and Standardization
5-Blockchain applications for Intellectual Property
6-Blockchain – Opportunities and challenges for IP ecosystem
7-Blockchain – Standardization for Intellectual Property Data