Ukraine Joined the IFIA as a full member

IFIA 33th Virtual Executive Committee meeting was organized On Feb 04, 2020, to review IFIA launches the project of the Inv. Membership for the inventors and the new membership requests submitted to IFIA Secretariat by The National Сenter “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” under the auspices of UNESCO which gained the majority of votes and were admitted as IFIA full members.
About JAS of Ukraine:
The Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Junior Academy of Sciences (JAS, the Academy) of Ukraine is an educational system that aims at providing the organization and coordination of students’ research activities, creating conditions for their intellectual and creative development, spiritual advance, and vocational self-determination to support the scientific potential growth of the country.
UNESCO Centre “Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine” (JASU) is a governmental scientific and educational organization, working as the extracurricular centre for middle and high school-aged students and teachers gathering around 250,000 of Ukrainian school students engaged in science and research activities. JASU is the 2nd category centre of UNESCO for development science education in the world according to the 4th Goal of SDG “Quality education”. JASU is well recognizable educational provider both in Ukraine and abroad and is a prominent partner for international cooperation and joint projects.
Public well-being through the involvement of individuals in a science activity.