Technology Transfer Working Procedure
IFIA members are authorized to establish IFIA Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in IFIA member states. TTOs work under the supervision and guidance of Technology Transfer Secretariat (TTS), situated in IFIA Secretariat, to meet the requirements of Technology Transfer Center (TTC). TTC branches supervise the activities of TTOs regionally. IFIA may found TTC branches in specialized fields such as electronics, computer, etc which is possible in case the members working in special areas send IFIA Secretariat a request in this regard. If IFIA has several members in one country, then one of the members can be in charge of TTO upon the approval of Executive Committee members and the remaining members are expected to cooperate with their national TTO.
TTO establishment procedure
Firstly, the applicant sends a request to TTS. After the request is reviewed and approved, a memorandum of understanding, effective within one year of MOU signing, between the TTS and related TTO. The MOU is renewable only if the TTO performs efficient activities.
TTO main activities
One of the primary works of this office is to communicate and network with the national investors, manufacturers, retailers, SMEs and commercialization centers that have the potentiality to produce and commercialize the inventions. Moreover, the TTOs are required to review the request submitted by the applicants to see which ones are ready to be commercialized.
The inventors are responsible for receiving either national or international patent protection (which is feasible by PCT) and inform the TTO and TTC in order to be included in their files.
TTO and TTC branches must be well-equipped with the official and administrative facilities and attempt to represent their activities to the related people and organs.
Working Procedure
After identifying the national investors, manufacturers, retailers, SMEs and commercialization centers, TTO and TTC must insert the related data in TTS website in the section that is devoted to their country. Other TTOs as well as the inventors are provided access to this data.
If any investor or commercializing center is interested to sign a contract with the inventor, then TTC informs TTO in this regard and the request will be sent to the inventor. The requests can be made without considering the nationality of inventor or investor. TTO or TTC can act as a consultant while entering into the contract.
Generally this system works free of charge unless one of the parties seeks consultation form TTC or TTO. In such a case, the received amount of money must be reported to TTS.
Annual activity report of TTO and TTC must be submitted to TTS, as well.