Tag: patent
WIPO & IFIA Symposium Program
WIPO & IFIA Symposium Provisional Program puts forward the details on” Inventors and Promotion of Inventions” which was held in Tampere, Finland, between August 13 and 17 ... -
IFIA Memorial Medal Awarded to Iraqi Minister of oil
IFIA Memorial Medal and Certificate were awarded to the Iraqi Minister of Oil, Mr. Jabbar Ali Hussein Al during the Award Ceremony of the Iraqi Energy ... -
TT Application Form
Dear User, In case you would like to develop your invention via IFIA Technology Transfer Platform, fill in the Technology Transfer Application Form . Please ... -
IFIA Memorial Medal
IFIA Memorial medal is granted to the highest-ranking figure who has willingly and devotedly supported the inventor throughout the whole process of invention beginning from the ... -
KIWIE 2016
The 9th anniversary of Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2016, organized by the Korea Women Inventors Association took place from June 16 to 19 convening around ... -
IFIA and EPO Meeting 2015 in Munich
On Tuesday, 27 October 2015 a meeting was held between the authorities of IFIA and European Patent Organization in EPO headquarters in Munich. Both parties ...