ISIF 2017 Advisory Board Meeting

Turkey, 23 October 2016 – The Advisory Board Meeting was held at the Turkish Patent Institute to plan the organization of “Istanbul International Invention Fair ISIF’17” to be held in Istanbul during 02-04 March 2017.
The Advisory Board meeting convened IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar and President of Turkish Patent Institute, Habib Asan. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Alireza Rastegar and Habib Asan stressed the importance of contributing to public awareness by bringing together the invention, inventors, researchers, industrialists and investors while providing them the opportunity to commercialize inventions and innovations.
Later in the meeting, the opinions and suggestions of the participants were assessed by discussing the preparatory work for the planned ISIF’17 to be held in March.
Last year exhibition was held by the joint cooperation of Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, International Inventors of Inventors’ Association (IFIA) and the Turkish Patent Institute (TPE). It was first-of-its-kind international fair showcasing cutting edge inventions from different parts of the world.
ISIF’16, ensured the participation of a total of 324 inventors from 24 countries and five international performance took place during the fair. ISIF’17 is planned to be held in the framework of the B2B meetings, workshops and panels and is expected to continue to be a strong supporter of the innovation and invention ecosystem.