IFIA & WIPO International Symposium 1998
IFIA WIPO International Symposium 1998 on Inventors and Information Technology – March 1998
An International Symposium on Inventors and Information Technology was held from March 16 to 19, 1998, in Budapest. It was jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) with the cooperation of the Association of Hungarian Inventors and the Hungarian Patent Office.
The opening ceremony was addressed by Mr. Lajos Nyiri, Acting President of the Hungarian Research and Development Committee, Mr. Farag Moussa, President of IFIA and Dr. Miklós Bendzsel, President of Hungarian Patent Office.
The following topics were presented by the main speakers:
- Quo Vadis Inventions in the Age of Information Technology?
- Patent Information in Support of Inventive and Innovative Activities
- How Inventors’ Associations Can Help Their Members to Make Inventions In Response to Real Industry Needs?
- Use of the State-of-the-Art Searches in Inventive and Innovative Activities
- Inventors as Active Providers of Information
- Industrial Property Offices and Databases on the World Wide Web:
- A Selection From the Most Important Information Resources
- Commercializing Inventions: Recent Canadian Experience (Including Use of the World Wide Web)