IFIA and Sri Lanka: Strengthening Relations

The Ambassador of Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to World Trade Organization (WTO), R.D.S Kumararatne submitted proposal to IFIA for strengthening relations. A meeting was arranged in Geneva on 23 February 2016 with the attendance of IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar, IFIA Executive Committee member, Hosein Vaezi , IFIA Strategic Planning and Coordination Manager, Masoud Shafaghi, and Nalinda Wijerathna, Councellor of Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka .
The meeting revolved around the possible ways of strengthening Sri Lanka and IFIA relationship. To this end, they expressed the interest to include Sri Lanka Inventors Commission among IFIA members in order to benefit from the services that IFIA offers to its members.
The prime objective of Sri Lanka Inventors Commission is providing Technical, Legal, Financial and Market Access support to Sri Lankan inventors and to promote innovativeness among the citizens of Sri Lanka which is in parallel with IFIA goals. IFIA President, Mr. Rastegar assured the support to the dissemination of the culture of invention and innovation in Sri Lanka.