IFIA Memorial Medal Awarded to The President of the Republic of North Macedonia

IFIA Memorial Medal Awarded to The President of the Republic of North Macedonia Prof. Dr. Stevo Pendarovski
Members of the delegation of NAIM (National Association of Inventors of Macedonia) visited the President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia Prof. Dr. Stevo Pendarovski on October 28th, 2019. The purpose of this visit was to award the IFIA Memorial Medal (the highest recognition awarded by IFIA) to President Prof. Dr. Stevo Pendarovski, as well as to make the President acquainted with the activities of NAIM, the conditions in which it operates, as well as the state of affairs in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Delegation members had the opportunity to personally introduce their latest patents to the President. The President as a supporter of innovation, especially young innovators, was most interested in the invention of young Sashe Jandrevski (16 years old) who also made a presentation with the prototype of his invention – a medical safety syringe.
At the end of the reception, NAIM President Mirko Uzelac on behalf of IFIA President (International Federation of Inventor Associations) Dr. Alireza Rasteagar awarded the IFIA Memorial Medal to President Prof. Dr. Stevo Pendarovski. The reception was held in an extremely warm and relaxed atmosphere, full of understanding and opportunities for further support by President Pendarovski to this noble activity. NAIM expresses gratitude to the President for offering the President Liaison Office to NAIM for the needs of the association’s activities.