About F.F.I.
The French Federation of Inventors (FFI) leads actions with associations of inventors, innovators in France, Europe and the world. FFI board members believe that the Inventor an important character free of his thoughts and independent who makes progress mankind by leaps and bounds. Active source of industrial property and, Active engine of economic recovery! capable of creating wealth for all, himself and his investors. Restoring to the inventor the important place and the recognition of all, this is the motivation of the French Federation of Inventors.

Mr. Gérard Roquillon
Europe France Inventors (EFI) leads dynamic gatherings of researchers, inventors, creators, designers, technical and legal advisers, business leaders, scientists, craftsmen, architects, lawyers, journalists, artists, writers, specialists from all corporations, inventive youth, or retirees, who will provide you with expert advice and assistance for the protection and development of your inventions or innovations.
This is why we are motivated by EFI actions in France, in Europe Exhibitions, Trade Shows, with in particular the GRAND PRIX INTERNATIONAL EIFFEL EFI.
Also our participation in the Geneva International Inventions Exhibition in Switzerland and other countries, with our European friends and inventors’ associations around the world.
Our address book represents around 850 people around the world due to links with inventors around the world and other organizations (Russia, US, England, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Iran, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Cambodia, Thailand …).
For economic recovery and employment, with you the inventions of today will create the jobs of tomorrow.