Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship will be held during 27th – 28th October 2016 in Hypo Conference Centar, Zagreb, Hrvatskato under IFIA’s partnership. It will show how companies in Croatia and region, no matter the size, can use the power of innovation and what they need to do to place a new innovation on the market in shortest period.World is on the fast forward. Change is inevitable. Innovation is a significant, positive change. Either you will open to innovation and provide full support to culture of Innovation or you will not change on time. Everyone wants to be innovative, but they gets stuck when the question arises, HOW?
» How to implement innovation into the core of the company?
» How to apply external innovation to the company?
» How to achieve that people in your company start thinking like entrepreneurs and to readily accept risks?
» How to develop a start-up culture inside your company?
» How to design and measure innovation?
Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship 2016 presents real challenges, applicable solutions that function and opens opportunities for Innovation in organizations.
The conference puts in focus Innovation for sustainable economy and society. The focus is on innovation and linkable methodologies. The conference will present best global and regional practices for implementing and stimulating innovation in the corporate world.
Through exciting combination of expert presentations, dynamic panels and interactive workshops attendees will acquire knowledge and tools that will help them expedite the time for generating new ideas, products, services and processes – how to encourage creativity inside the organization.
Open innovation participants are all companies collecting ideas from wide network of people and institutions around them (customers, suppliers, universities, startups, government laboratories, even competitors).
Attendees are a key factor for the conference success. Not only will they hear and see new knowledge related to innovation and creativity, but will also contribute by exchanging their experiences and knowledge, thus helping in application of knowhow of innovation in their organizations.