IFIA President Appreciates the Minister of Turkey

During the award Ceremony of Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF) 2016, IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar conferred the IFIA Memorial Medal and Certificate to His Excellency, Fikri Isik, the Minister of Science, Industry, and Technology to appreciate and honor the support that he offered to the dissemination of the culture of invention and innovation in Turkey.
Afterward, IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar, the Minister of Science, Industry, and Technology, Fikri Isik, and Habib Asan, President of the Turkish Patent Institute held a meeting to further discuss the organization of international events such as ISIF to boost international cooperation and encourage the innovative environment in Turkey.
Isik expressed his satisfaction with the success of ISIF and emphasized that the organization of such events provides great opportunities for the inventors to commercialize their inventions and the ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology will continue to support the organization of such events to improve the condition of inventors. Finally, he added “Marifet intifada tâbidir, müşterisiz meta zâyidir” which means “Knowledge and skills are worthy of praise, but invention without a buyer is discarded”.
Meanwhile, Alireza Rastegar declared that ISIF has been very successful regarding the first year of its organization. The governmental support, presence of investors, the media coverage, as well as modern equipment helps to the future prosperity of ISIF.
Habib Asan remarked “We hope to convene 500 inventors from 50 countries for the second edition of ISIF”