IFIA TTC Is Launched in Stockholm
IFIA TTC – A new platform titled Technology Transfer Center was opened by IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar in March after its activities were approved in china IFIA General Assembly meeting in November 2014.
The primary goal of the TTC is to provide channels for inventors to quickly and easily reach out with their inventions/ideas and more efficiently find manufacturers and funding, both regionally and internationally.
In addition to the contract to administer the TTC, STIK has also proposed training and advisory courses for IFIA inventors’ associations of member states which were confirmed during Mr. Rastegar’s two-day visit. STIK presented their comprehensive programs, international collaborations and continuous membership activities, as well.
IFIA President’s visit also meant that decisions were made about the placement of an international innovation conference and a coherent IFIA Congress in Stockholm in August 25th and 26th, 2015.
STIK’s active work in the IFIA – The International Federation of Inventor’s Association is of immense importance for the Swedish inventor associations – with the International Federation in the back – to improve both the status and economic opportunities.