Importance to Support Young Inventors

Importance to Support Young Inventors
By Winfried Sturm
For a long time a successful cooperation has existed with our new IFIA President, Alireza Rastegar. One of our shared visions is to care for young inventors as the future forerunners of inventive and innovative culture. On this focus my intentions are to offer my personal experiences for supporting IFIA´s aims toward a prosperous future. In order to introduce my intentions I will give some personal remarks of my activities and engagements as IFIA-Youth-Network-Manager. As a graduate Physicist, Scientist and over 40 years passionate High-School-Teacher in Physics, Informatics and Mathematics – now retired – I encourage young students to use their skills for realizing new ideas. For more than 30 years I have been the Head and Manager of a Student-High-Tech-Invention-Education-Association (HAG) which was founded in 1982. Intentions of the HAG-Invention-Team are to research new ways to develop innovative inventions and medical devices especially for handicapped people.
As a visionary for successful future – with special focus at SaTE (Science and Technical Education) for youth – I believe in the gain of creative strategy to motivate young people for inventions. In my function as an official German Ambassador of MINT-Education (Mathematics – Informatics – Nature – Technology) in Science and Inventions, I try to bridge the gap between High-Tech and Social Compassion with the aim to gain Social Competence by young generation and to strengthen the creativity and motivation of youth for engineering and technology.
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