Self-Leadership & Innovative Business Program Lunched by IFIA and ABIPIR

The Self-Leadership and Innovative Business Program ALINOVA
The Self–Leadership and Innovative Business Program created by the International Brazil Association of Inventors, Scientists and Innovative Entrepreneurs – ABIPIR and coordinated jointly with the International Federation of Inventors‘ Associations – IFIA‘s main purposes:
1. Promote the training of independent inventors and those linked to educational institutions, research, innovation and companies, students and teachers on topics related to personal and professional development, such as self-leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, increasing the chances of success in the process of transforming an idea or invention in a profitable and sustainable business by increasing the attractiveness of investors (angel investors, venture capitalists, companies and governments).

2. Enable the connection between inventors with investors, startups, companies and governments from different countries, in addition to attracting investments, forming scientific–technological and innovation partnerships to develop solutions together.
3. Contribute to increasing the disclosure of IFIA‘s actions, giving it greater visibility as well as the institutions that are part of it through the videos that will be posted on the ALINOVA Program platform on youtube and shared on other social media such as Facebook,Instagram, tweeter and Tiktok.
4. Facilitate the process of publicizing the challenges that will be launched on the open innovation platform SPARKINOV, managed by an Indian startup, which will have a formal partnership with IFIA and ABIPIR.
Welcome to Program "Self-Leadership and Innovative Business - ALINOVA"
Guidelines for the Videos
1. – Videos must have the maximum duration of 5 minutes and recorded in English or in the native language with English subtitles;
2. – The content must have a practical application or describe an experience of the author which can add value to the inventors and entrepreneurs development;
3. – Help to engage students and professors to be stimulate to turn their scientific projects into a business;
4. – Develop simultaneously the hard and soft skills helping to form not only successful inventors and entrepreneurs but self–leaders with emotional intelligence who can contribute to make the world a better place to live by applying empathy, self– confidence, self-esteem and self–confidence in the personal and professional relationships;
5. – Together with the link of the video the author must send the 2 paragraphs with maximum 150 word each, being the first with the description of the video contents and the second one with the mini-bio and the JPEG logo of the entity which he’s connected;
6. – The author must be associated with an education or innovation entity, which must be mentioned in the mini-Bio.