BIXPO 2015 Report

BIXPO 2015 – Bitagram International Exposition of Electric Power Technology (BIXPO) was organized by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) in Gwangju, Korea from October 12 to 14, 2015. 2000 participants from 40 different countries attended the event and around 30000 visitors conducted a visit.
BIXPO held an exhibition of new technology, international invention fair, insightful Conference and CTO forum of new technology to create a venue for the exchanges in ideas related to electric power technologies.
The international congress was categorized in New Technology Conference, Electric Power, T&D, Future Technologies, R&D Trends etc, International Power Utility CTO’s, Special Sessions, Patent Seminar, and Special Localization Session.
IFIA President, Mr. Alireza Rastegar and his team had the honor to participate in this event. During the course of the event, IFIA had a booth to represent its international activities to the inventors all around the world. Moreover, a workshop was held by IFIA to make the interested inventors familiar with the International Patent Protection.
Finally in award ceremony, IFIA granted three awards to the best inventions in three different classes of KEPCO, KEPCO Group and foreign Sectors.
You can find the pictures related to this event in the picture gallery, BIXPO 2015.