IFIA & WIPO International Symposium 2000

Inventors at the Dawn of the New Millennium – September 2000
An international symposium on “Inventors at the dawn of the new millennium” was held between September 5 and 8, 2000 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) in cooperation with the Government of Argentina and the Argentine Association of Inventors (AAI). The opening ceremony was addressed by the representative of the Government of Argentina, IFIA President, Mr. Farag Moussa, the President of Argentine Association of Inventors (AAI), Mr. Eduardo Fernandez, and the representative of the Director General of the World IntellectualProperty Organization (WIPO).
The following main topics were presented by keynote speakers:
- Creation of Employment and Generating Wealth by Inventors and Innovation
- How the Internet and New Information Technologies Influence the Work of Inventors, Innovators and Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises
- Networking and Promotion of National Invention and Innovative Activities Presentation on Projeto Inventiva
- Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Inventors and Intellectual Property In the Global Marketplace
- Patenting Strategies – When, What and Why: How Should Inventors and SMEs Plan for Obtaining Protection for Their Inventions
- Employed Inventors – An Important Asset of Enterprises and Nations: How to Protect Their Rights and Interests
- The Protection of Inventions and the Provision of Support Services to Inventors: Recent Developments at the European Level