IFIA Has Eased The Commercialization Process

IFIA Has Eased The Commercialization Process with A New Cooperation Project
Through connecting dots, The International Federation of Inventors’ Association has found a way to help inventors and innovators to commercialize their ideas easier with the help of ICCD, or Innovation Commercialization Connecting Dots. After many deliberations from the members of the federation, finally, at IFIA’s 39th Executive Committee meeting held on May 12th, 2021, it was approved by the majority of votes to start the technology transfer brokerage program, or ICCD, as soon as possible.
At the Executive Committee meeting, the importance of commercialization was discussed, and the voters concluded that launching this project can help inventors and innovators to commercialize their ideas. Created by Innovation Hunters, ICCD is a global commercialization brokerage program that builds bridges between investors and inventors, researchers and entrepreneurs and provides consultancy on things that inventors & entrepreneurs need. As we all know, commercialization & licensing of initiatives & innovations resulting from great efforts is the main problem of entrepreneurs.
The commercialization & licensing negotiations, which are carried out in each country’s internal dynamics, enter a flawed cycle after a certain time and eventually end without any result. But, thanks to this program, the innovation hunters, each of whom specializes in inventions, innovation, commercialization, and intellectual and industrial property rights ecosystem, your ideas are presented to the right investors at the right time. ICCD does not only offer you the opportunity to meet investors.
It gives you consultancy on relevant issues you need, educates, and makes you ready for investors. Thanks to the network created in more than 160 countries all around the world, the innovation hunter of each region can examine your initiatives and match you with the right investor of their region. What will ICCD provide inventors and entrepreneurs? Mentorship: Opportunity to get mentoring from leading actors of the ecosystem and ICCD Innovation Hunters. Cooperation & Commercial Reference: Business reference opportunities in the global market for collaboration and initiatives with firms in the ICCD global network Marketing Activities: Conference, PR event, and fair exhibition supports Consultancy Services: Government supports, grants and incentives, professional consultancy services in intellectual and industrial property rights through partners. Workshops and Seminars: Entrepreneurship training and seminars are given by experts in their areas, access to national/international activities in various fields and subjects. Access to Finance: Resources such as Angel Investment Network, venture capital companies, and large industrial organizations.

IFIA Has Eased The Commercialization Process with A New Cooperation Project
Entrepreneurs from all stages and sectors with Technology Readiness Levels(TRL) between 1 and 9 can participate in the ICCD program:
TRL 1: Basic principles observed
TRL 2: Technology concept formulated
TRL 3: Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4: Technology validated in lab
TRL 5: Technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
TRL 6: Technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in an operational environment
TRL 8: System complete and qualified
TRL 9: Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or space)
In conclusion, IFIA started the cooperation with ICCD to help inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs easily commercialize their ideas all around the world. We all hope that the people involved with invention and innovation and the invention culture get the best result out of this cooperation and continue innovating. For more information about ICCD, please check out the link below: https://www.innovationhunters.org/