Macao Innovation and Invention Association
About MiiA
Macao Innovation & Invention Association (MiiA) registered in Macao as a non-profit organization in 2004 under the Society Ordinances with Governmental Approval No. 2411. After 11 years of development, MiiA today have over 60 professional members, including 21 institution members such as University of Macau, Macau University of Science & Technology, University of Saint Joseph, City University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute and high schools, and, individual members with various career backgrounds such as professors, tutors, doctors, engineers, air pilots and professional workers from different fields. They are dedicated to the development of MiiA and constantly contribute their spare time and their knowledge in science popularization voluntarily for a better future of society.
Mr. Lai, Pak-keong
We are committed to promoting, encouraging, advocating, providing assistance to any innovation and invention business of any field in Macao. We promote social emphasis on and awareness of innovation and invention. We encourage the inventors to protect their patent rights. We promote popularization of scientific knowledge and organize educational activities for youngsters. We gather resources for the development of science and technology. We initiate and participate in cooperation and exchange with other cultural, academic and social organizations, seminars and exhibitions. We provide guidance for members to handle their patent applications and provide assistance and advice to members to commercialize their patents or to publish their invention/patent-related articles. We introduce the latest information and technology to the community to strengthen local cultural and creative industries in alignment with the government policy in order to promote social stability, prosperity and economic development of Macao.
Setting up a free online intellectual properties trading platform and database for technological exchange, Bridge for members to find investors and manufacturers. Building showcases for Macau Inventors, show around to the globe, diversifying to facilitate international IP trade and connection to global IP players.